A Word from Wayne, November 18, 2016

word from wayne
ear Trinity Family,

Two of my favorite thanksgiving songs are “Bless This House” and “Give Thanks!” As I participated in the dedication of the recently “remodeled” home for Mariah Blake, the faithful matriarch and mainstay of our Allen Outreach Neighborhood Ministry, I experienced a wonderful synergy and coming together of a diverse ministry team reaching out to their community.

Here is the note I received today thanking me for the volunteers in our church who remodeled her home and have invested in the Griffin Heights neighborhood. In addition, Bob and Marilyn Dean were very supportive of this effort. I wanted to share Ms. Blake’s words with you…


Alan Bowers closed our ceremony with a beautiful rendition of “Bless This House” and the neighborhood joined together in “Giving Thanks” for the spirit of love and cooperation that brought members from Trinity UMC and Allen Chapel AME together in a common effort of serving our neighbors with love and care.

As we approach this season of Thanksgiving and our Stewardship Emphasis begins to wrap up, I wanted to give thanks for each member of this Congregation. Thank you for your faithfulness to Christ and His Church. Thank you for your call to mission and outreach in our local community and beyond, and thank you for the amazing stewardship response to our finances that enable all our wonderful ministries to take place.

Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son

And now let the weak say, “I am strong”
Let the poor say, “I am rich…
Because of what the Lord has done for us”
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son

As of Thursday, November 17, our First Love stewardship emphasis has reached 78% of its goal with 271 Pledges totaling $1,113,155.
Thank you for helping us “Give Thanks” with grateful hearts as we celebrate together what the Lord has done for us!

I Love Being Your Pastor,

dr. wayne signature

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Trinity United Methodist?

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